Transking takes out the 2018 VTA Best Practice safety award for the Quickstrap. An Australian designed world first product designed to carry the load restraint strap from one side of the truck to the other without the need for unsafe practices, ladders, cages and forklifts.
Transking Wins 2018 Best Practice Safety Award
Transking Tightwinder with under-run protection
Transking USA – Faster, Safer, Tougher
Cameron Logistics Include Tightwinder winches & Quickstrap
Cameron’s deploys safety-optimised custom rigid in QLD
Hannah’s moves to a safer load restraint system
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Lindsay King interview Copy Southbound Podcast
Transking Quickstrap featured on Australia by Design
A win for Quickstrap MK II
Award winning load restraint technology specialist, TransKing releases QuickStrap MK II